To overcome this issue, allow clients to pass in their login credentials as request header parameters on the URI to enable authentication, as demonstrated in Listing 6. 为了解决这个问题,允许客户机在URI中作为查询参数传递登录凭证,见清单6。
The Out of Office agent does this task programmatically by submitting a request to AdminP to configure and enable the agent the first time an Editor level user enables the Out of Office agent. 当具有编辑者权限级别的用户第一次启用离开办公室时,离开办公室代理通过将请求提交给AdminP以配置并启用代理,以编程方式完成这项任务。
By default, the request message ID is not propagated to the response flow, in order to enable the JITT& D to correlate the request flow and response flow calls. 默认情况下,请求消息ID没有传递到响应流,从而使JITT&D能够关联请求流和响应流调用。
The card must be produced upon request as proof of membership to enable the member to enjoy the facilities and services offered to members. 会员于享用本会所提供之设施及服务时,须于被要求时出示会员证作为其会籍的证明。
I request is not high, I only want to enable us the staff in the operating time, some rare relaxation opportunity. 我所要求的并不高,我只想让我们的员工能在工作时间里,有一个难得的放松机会。
File system and online storage space API request and response messages between the adoption of XML to store and share design, well positioned to enable XML parsing and creation. 文件系统与在线存储空间API之间的请求与响应消息通过XML来存储和共享,设计中很好地实现了XML的解析与创建。
However, along with countryside social economy development, Under the new form develops the countryside economies of scale request and the farmer finances the loan contradiction to enable to the countryside land contracting right of management mortgage research to have the vital practical significance. 然而,随着农村社会经济发展,新形式下发展农村规模经济的要求和农民融资贷款的矛盾使得对农村土地承包经营权抵押的研究具有重要现实意义。